Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Engineering Institute)

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow)

Computer Science & Engineering - COs

Overview Vision & Mission PEO-PO-PSO HOD’s Message Faculty Achievements Student Achievements Student Clubs Labs Department Advisory Committee(DAC) COs Activities

Code Course Name Course Outcomes
B.Tech-I Semester
KAS- 101 Physics CO1 To solve the classical and wave mechanics problems
CO2 To develop the understanding of laws of thermodynamics and their application in various processes.
CO3 To formulate and solve the engineering problems on Electromagnetism Electromagnetic Field Theory.
CO4 To aware of limits of classical physics to apply the ideas in solving the problems in their parent streams.
KAS- 103 Mathematics-I CO1 To Remember the concept of matrices and apply for solving linear simultaneous equations
CO2 CO2. To Understand the concept of limit, continuity and differentiability and apply in the study of Rolle,s , Lagrange,s and Cauchy mean value theorem and Leibnitz theorems.
CO3 CO3. To Identify the application of partial differentiation and apply for evaluating maxima, minima, series and Jacobians.
CO4 CO4. To Illustrate the working methods of multiple integral and apply for finding area, volume, centre of mass and centre of gravity.
CO5 CO5. To Remember the concept of vector and apply for directional derivatives, tangent and normal planes. Also evaluate line, surface and volume integrals.
KEE- 101 Basic Electrical Engineerin CO1 To Apply the concepts of KVL/KCL and network theoremsin solving DC circuits.
CO2 Analyze the steady state behavior of single phase and three phase AC electrical circuits.
CO3 Identify the application areas of a single phase two winding transformer as well as an auto transformer and calculate their efficiency. Also identify the connections of a three phase transformer.
CO4 Illustrate the working principles of induction motor, synchronous machine as well as DC machine and employ them in different area of applications.
CO5 Describe the components of low voltage electrical installations and perform elementary calculations for energy consumption
KCE- 101 Engineering Graphics Design CO1 Understanding of the visual aspects of engineering design
CO2 Understanding of engineering graphics standards and solid modeling
CO3 Effective communication through graphics
CO4 Applying modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
CO5 Appling computer-aided geometric design
CO6 Analysis of Isometric views
CO7 Creating working drawings
KAS- 102 Chemistry CO1 Get an understanding of the theoretical principles understanding molecular structure, bonding and properties.
CO2 Know the fundamental concepts of determination of structure with various techniques.
CO3 Know the fundamental concepts of chemistry applicable inindustrial processes.
KCS- 101 Programming for Problem Solving CO1 To develop simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems
CO2 To translate the algorithms to programs execution (in C language).
CO3 To implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.
CO4 To decompose a problem into functions and synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer approach.
CO5 To use arrays, pointers and structures to develop algorithms divide and conquer approach.
KWS- 101 Workshop Practices CO1 Study and practice on machine tools and their operations
CO2 Practice on manufacturing of components using workshop trades including fitting, carpentry, foundry and welding
CO3 Identify and apply suitable tools for machining processes including turning, facing, thread cutting and tapping
CO4 Welding and soldering operations
CO5 Apply basic electrical engineering knowledge for house wiring practice
Physics Laboratory CO1 CO1. To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton‟s ring experiment
CO2 CO2. To determine the wavelength of sodium light with the help of Fresnel‟s bi-prism
CO3 CO3. To determine the variation of magnetic field with the distance along the axis of a current carrying coil and estimate the radius of the coil.
CO4 CO4. To draw hysteresis (B-H curve) of a specimen in the form of a transformer and to determine its hysteresis loss.
Chemistry Laboratory CO1 Use of different analytical instruments.
CO2 Measure molecular/system properties such as surface tension, viscosity, conductance of solution, chloride and iron content in water
CO3 Measure hardness of water.
CO4 Estimate the rate constant of reaction
Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory CO1 Conduct experiments illustrating the application of KVL/KCL and network theorems to DC electrical circuits
CO2 Demonstrate the behavior of AC circuits connected to single phase AC supply and measure power in single phase as well as three phase electrical circuits.
C03 Perform experiment illustrating BH curve of magnetic materials.
CO4 Calculate efficiency of a single phase transformer and DC machine
C05 Perform experiments on speed measurement and reversal of direction of three phase induction motor and Identify the type of DC and AC machines based on their construction.
Programming for Problem Solving Laboratory CO1 To write programs for arithmetic and logical problems
CO2 To translate the algorithms to programs execution (in C language).
CO3 To write programs for conditional branching, iteration and recursion
CO4 To write programs using functions and synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer approach.
CO5 write programs using arrays, pointers and structures.
B.Tech-II Semester
KAS- 201 Physics CO1 To solve the classical and wave mechanics problems
CO2 To develop the understanding of laws of thermodynamics and their application in various processes.
CO3 To formulate and solve the engineering problems on Electromagnetism Electromagnetic Field Theory.
CO4 To aware of limits of classical physics to apply the ideas in solving the problems in their parent streams.
KAS7202 Chemistry CO1 Get an understanding of the theoretical principles understanding molecular structure, bonding and properties.
CO2 Know the fundamental concepts of determination of structure with various techniques.
CO3 Know the fundamental concepts of chemistry applicable in industrial processes.
KAS203 Mathematiccs-II CO1 Understand the concept of differentiation and apply for solving differential equations.
CO2 Remember the concept of definite integral and apply for evaluating surface areas and volumes.
CO3 Understand the concept of convergence of sequence and series. Also evaluate Fourier series.
CO4 Illustrate the working methods of complex functions and apply for finding analytic functions.
CO5 Apply the complex functions for finding Taylor’s series, Laurent’s series and evaluation of definite integrals.
KEE- 201 Basic Electrical Engineering CO1 Apply the concepts of KVL/KCL and network theorems in solving DC circuits.
CO2 Analyze the steady state behavior of single phase and three phase AC electrical circuits
CO3 Identify the application areas of a single phase two winding transformer as well as an auto transformer and calculate their efficiency. Also identify the connections of a three phase transformer.
CO4 Illustrate the working principles of induction motor, synchronous machine as well as DC machine and employ them in different area of applications.
CO5 Describe the components of low voltage electrical installations and perform elementary calculations for energy consumption.
KCS- 201 Programming for Problem Solving CO1 To develop simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems
CO2 To develop simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems
CO3 To implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.
CO4 To decompose a problem into functions and synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer approach.
CO5 To use arrays, pointers and structures to develop algorithms and programs
KCE- 201 Engineering Graphics Design CO1 Understanding of the visual aspects of engineering design
CO2 Understanding of engineering graphics standards and solid modeling
CO3 Effective communication through graphics
CO4 Applying modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
CO5 Appling computer-aided geometric design
CO6 Analysis of Isometric views
CO7 Creating working drawings
KWS- 201 Workshop Practices CO1 CO1. Study and practice on machine tools and their operations
CO2 Practice on manufacturing of components using workshop trades including fitting, carpentry, foundry and welding
CO3 Identify and apply suitable tools for machining processes including turning, facing, thread cutting and tapping
CO4 CO4. Welding and soldering operations
CO5 CO5. Apply basic electrical engineering knowledge for house
KAS-204 Professional English CO1 Students will be enabled to understand the basic objective of the course by being acquainted with specific dimensions of communication skills i.e. Reading, Writing, Listening, Thinking and Speaking.
CO2 Students would be able to create substantial base by the formation of strong professional vocabulary for its application at different platforms and through numerous modes as Comprehension, reading, writing and speaking etc.
CO3 Students will apply it at their work place for writing purposes such as Presentation/official drafting/administrative communication and use it for document/project/report/research paper writin
CO4 Students will be made to evaluate the correct error-free writing by being wellversed in rules of English grammar cultivate relevant technical style of communication presentation at their work place also for academic uses.
CO5 Students will apply it for practical and oral presentation purposes by being honed up in presentation skills and voice- dynamics. They will apply techniques for developing interpersonal communication skills and positive attitude leading to their professional competence.
Physics Laboratory CO1 To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton‟s ring experiment
CO2 To determine the wavelength of sodium light with the help of Fresnel‟s bi-prism
CO3 To determine the variation of magnetic field with the distance along the axis of a current carrying coil and estimate the radius of the coil.
CO4 To draw hysteresis (B-H curve) of a specimen in the form of a transformer and to determine its hysteresis loss.
Chemistry Laboratory CO1 Use of different analytical instruments
CO2 Measure molecular/system properties such as surface tension, viscosity, conductance of solution, chloride and iron content in water
CO3 Measure hardness of water.
CO4 Estimate the rate constant of reaction
Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory CO1 Conduct experiments illustrating the application of KVL/KCL and network theorems to DC electrical circuits
CO2 Demonstrate the behavior of AC circuits connected to single phase AC supply and measure power in single phase as well as three phase electrical circuits.
CO3 Perform experiment illustrating BH curve of magnetic materials.
CO4 Calculate efficiency of a single phase transformer and DC machine.
CO5 Perform experiments on speed measurement and reversal of direction of three phase induction motor and Identify the type of DC and AC machines based on their construction.
Programming for Problem Solving Laboratory CO1 To write programs for arithmetic and logical problems
CO2 To translate the algorithms to programs execution (in C language).
CO3 To write programs for conditional branching, iteration and recursion
CO4 To write programs using functions and synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer approach.
CO5 write programs using arrays, pointers and structures.
B.Tech. III Semester
KAS302 Maths IV CO1 The students will be able to learn the idea of partial differentiation and types of partial differential equations
CO2 The students will be able to learn the idea of classification of second partial differential equations, wave, heat equation and transmission lines
CO3 The students will be able to learn the basic ideas of statistics including measures of central tendency, correlation, regression and their properties.
CO4 The students will be able to learn the idea s of probability and random variables and various discrete and continuous probability distributions and their properties.
CO5 The students will be able to learn the statistical methods of studying data samples, hypothesis testing and statistical quality control, control charts and their properties.
KVE-301 Universal Human Values CO1 Students who complete this course should be able to realize the importance need of human values and value education to human being.
CO2 Students should be able to realize the importance of self exploration in harmony of family.
CO3 They should be able to understand and appreciate role of harmonious family in peaceful society.
CO4 Students who complete this course should be able to investigate his/her self make it suitable to society and existence.
CO5 CO5.Students should be able to apply the ethical and human values in family, society, nature and professional life.
KCS-301 Data Structure CO1 Describe how arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs are represented in memory, used by the algorithms
CO2 Discuss the computational efficiency of the sorting and searching algorithms.
CO3 Implementation of Trees and Graphs and perform various operations on these data structure.
CO4 Understanding the concept of recursion, application of recursion and its implementation and removal of recursion.
CO5 Identify the alternative implementations of data structures with respect to its performance to solve a real world problem.
KCS-302 Computer Organization Architecture CO1 Study of the basic structure of Buses, Processor organization and operation of a digital computer system.
CO2 Analysis of the design of arithmetic logic unit and understanding of the fixed point and floating-point arithmetic operations.
CO3 Implementation of control unit techniques and the concept of Pipelining
CO4 Understanding the hierarchical memory system, cache memories and virtual memory
CO5 Understanding the different ways of communicating with I/O devices and standard I/O interfaces
KCS-303 Discrete Structures Theory of Logic CO1 Students will be able to Write an argument using logical notation and determine if the argument is or is not valid.
CO2 Students will able to Understand the basic principles of sets and operations in sets.
CO3 Students will able to Demonstrate an understanding of relations and functions and be able to determine their properties.
CO4 Students will able to Demonstrate different traversal methods for trees and graphs
CO5 Students will able to Model problems in Computer Science using graphs and trees.
KCS-351 Data Structure Using C lab CO1 To learn elementary data structures such as stacks, queues, linked lists, trees and graphs. Students must be able to perform operations like searching, insertion and deletion, traversing mechanism etc. on various data structures.
CO2 Students must be able to understand the logic behind the experiment demonstrate the outcomes effectively.
CO3 Students must be able to present the experiment its results effectively in documentation.
KCS-352 Computer Organization Lab CO1 Students must be able to verify combinational circuits in assigned labs.
CO2 Students must be able to Design the concept of Multiplexers , Decoders and Flip Flops.
CO3 Students must be able to explain the outcomes of experiments using Logistic Simulator and effectively document them in lab files.
KCS-353 Discrete Structures Logic Lab CO1 Students must be able to analyze the various problems on their own.
CO2 Students must be able to implement logics for problem solving
CO3 Students must be able to represent the outputs of problems and its documentation effectively.
KCS-354 Mini Project or Internship Assessment CO1 Students must be able to demonstrate their learning effectively through presentation.
CO2 Students are expected to apply demonstrate their learning through a meaningful project
CO3 Students must learn to demonstrate their learning work done through effective documentation in the form of project report
B.Tech. IV Semester
KOE048 Electronics Engineering CO1 Understand the concept of PN junction and special purpose diodes
CO2 Study the application of conventional diode and semiconductor diode.
CO3 Analyze the I-V characteristics of BJT and FET.
CO4 Analyze the of Op-Amp, amplifiers, integrator, and differentiator.
CO5 Understand the concept of digital storage oscilloscope and compare of DSO with analog oscilloscope.
KAS301 Technical Communication CO1 Students will be enabled to understand the nature and objective of Technical Communication relevant for the work place as Engineers.
CO2 Students will utilize the technical writing for the purposes of Technical Communication and its exposure in various dimensions
CO3 Students would imbibe inputs by presentation skills to enhance confidence in face of diverse audience.
CO4 Technical communication skills will create a vast know-how of the application of the learning to promote their technical competence
CO5 It would enable them to evaluate their efficacy as fluent efficient communicators by learning the voice-dynamics
KCS401 Operating Systems CO1 Describe the fundamentals and structure of operating systems.
CO2 Analyze Process Synchronization and the solution of various critical section problem using software and hardware approaches.
CO3 Explain the mechanism to handle threads, process scheduling and deadlock.
CO4 Discuss the concept of memory management along with page replacement and thrashing.
CO5 Classify various file system concepts and disk Scheduling
KCS402 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages CO1 Students will be able to describe basic concepts of alphabets, strings, languages and should be able to understand automata, grammars and their relationships.
CO2 Students should be able to design Finite Automata (FA) and to understand the equivalence of DFA and NFA and evaluate whether a given Language is regular and Able to compute the equivalent DFA with the minimum number of states.
CO3 Students should be able to apply the concept of CFG and measure normal forms and ambiguity in grammar.
CO4 Students should be able to create PDA by given CFL and convert CFG to PDA and vice versa.
CO5 Graduate will be able to design turing machine for given language and to compare decidable and undecidable problems.
KCS403 Microprocessor CO1 Apply a basic concept of digital fundamental to microprocessor based computer system.
CO2 Analyze a detailed software and hardware structure of the microprocessor
CO3 Illustrate how the different peripherals (8085/8086) are interfaced with microprocessor
CO4 Analyze the characteristics of Microprocessor
CO5 Evaluate the data transfer information through serial and parallel ports
KNC401 Computer System Security CO1 To discover software bugs that pose cyber security threats and to explain how to fix the bugs to mitigate such threats
CO2 To discover cyber attack scenarios to web browsers and web servers and to explain how to mitigate such threats
CO3 To discover and explain mobile software bugs posing cyber security threats, explain and recreate exploits, and to explain mitigation techniques.
CO4 To articulate the urgent need for cyber security in critical computer systems, networks, and world wide web, and to explain various threat scenarios
CO5 To articulate the well known cyber attack incidents, explain the attack scenarios, and explain mitigation techniques.
KCS451 Operating Systems Lab CO1 Students must be able to perform the experiments using C/Unix language in assigned labs.
CO2 Students must be able to understand the logic behind different programs demonstrate the outcomes effectively using C/Unix during viva.
CO3 Students must be able to explain the outcomes of experiments using C/Unix and effectively document them in lab files.
KCS452 Microprocessor Lab CO1 Students must be able to perform the experiments by his own
CO2 Students must be able to understand the logic behind the experiment demonstrate the outcomes effectively.
CO3 Students must be able to present the experiment its results effectively in documentation.
KCS453 Python Language Programming Lab CO1 Students must be able to perform the experiments by his own
CO2 Students must be able to understand the logic behind the experiment demonstrate the outcomes effectively.
CO3 Students must be able to present the experiment its results effectively in documentation.
B.Tech. V Semester
RCS-501 Database Management System CO1 Be able to understand the fundamentals of basics of DBMS.
CO2 Be able to generate data modeling using entity relationship model.
CO3 Be able to generate DBMS constraints, SQL relational data model and distinguish between TRC and DRC.
CO4. Be able to understand the concept of database design compute normal form.
CO5. Be able to describe the concept of transaction processing ,Concurrency Control and discuss the distributed database.
RCS-502 Design Analysis of Algorithms CO1 .Students will be able to analyze performance of algorithms and estimate their worst-case and average-case behavior using asymptotic notations.
CO2 Students will be able to derive and solve recurrences and also analyze sorting algorithms.
CO3 Students will become familiar with advanced Data Structures like Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps, B- Tress, red black trees, tries, skip list etc.
CO4. Students will learn and able to apply divide-and-conquer paradigm, greedy algorithms.
CO5. Students will learn and able to apply algorithms like dynamic programming, Backtracking, Branch and Bound problems.
CO6 Students will understand the concept of NP completeness, approximation algorithms, and algebraic Computation.
RCS-503 Principle of Programming Languages CO1 Student will be able to understand the fundamental Principles of Programming Languages and able to apply concept of various Programming Language properties.
CO2 Student will be able to interpret basics of Imperative Language Concept.
CO3 Student will be able to analyze and understand the concept of Object Oriented Programming.
CO4. Student will be able to demonstrate and implement Functional Programming.
CO5. Student will be able to analyze Logic Programming, Concurrent Programming and student will be able Manipulate and generate Lambda terms.
RCS-052 Web Technologies CO1 Student will be able to describe the working of application layer protocol which governs web, security, cyber law of web and learning concept of core JAVA programming.
CO2 Student will be able to collect and apply basic concept of HTML, CSS, Java Script and its application.
CO3 Students will be able to analyze the role of XML for the management and delivery of electronic information for given application and designing of dynamic web pages.
CO4. Students will be able develop Web based applications by Servlets and JSP to have an interactive application such as Client Server Architecture.
CO5. Graduates will be able to create connections between client and server by designing sockets and factory methods of InetAddress class of java.
RUC501 Cyber Security CO1 The student should be able to apply the basic knowledge of information systems in their design and development.
CO2 The student should be able to analyze different application securities security threats related to information systems.
CO3 The student should be able to analyze and solve different problems associated with e-commerce and e-transections.
CO4. The student should be able to design methods for developing secure information systems.
CO5. The student should be able to design and apply different security policies information security standards to safeguard IT assets.
CO6 The student should be able to analyze various IPR related issues and to apply the knowledge of IT under defined cyber laws.
RAS 501 Managerial Economics CO1 The student should be able to understand the role of economics and management in engineering and decision making.
CO2 The student should be familiarized with various functions of marketing and market research.
CO3 The student should be able to apply law of demand and supply in solving problems.
CO4. The student should be able to understand and analyze competition and market structures
CO5. The student should be able to perceive the concept of price determination
CO6 The student should be able to perceive the concepts of demand forecasting and various cost estimation
RCS-551 Database Management System Lab CO1 Students must be able to perform installation of oracle and to generate SQL statements using ORACLE/MYSQL.
CO2 Students must be able to understand and design Entity- Relationship diagram using various case tools and Students are also expected to demonstrate their learning through mini projects.
CO3 Students must be able to present the experiment and its results create and demonstrate cursor, procedure, functions and triggers.
RCS-552 Design Analysis of Algorithm Lab CO1 Students must be able to convert algorithms into program perform the experiments by his own.
CO2 Students must be able to understand the logic, time space complexity for the experiment demonstrate the outcomes effectively during Viva
CO3 Students must be able to determine the running time of experiments present the results via comparative graphs of order of growth effectively in documentation.
RCS-553 Principle of Programming Languages Lab CO1 Students must be able to perform the experiments such as searching and sorting by his own in Meta Language.
CO2 Students must be able to understand the logic behind the experiment demonstrate the outcomes effectively using Meta Language during viva
CO3 Students must be able to present the experiment using Meta language its results effectively in documentation.
RCS-554 Web Technologies Lab CO1 Students will be able to design static and dynamic web pages by using basic concept of HTML, java script and will be able to learn transferring data from one web page to another page by using XML schema and DTD.
CO2 Students will be able to develop various applications using core java and advance java and will be able to learn server side languages to create interactive web site and store data in database to provide security and various services.
CO3 Students must be able to present the experiment its results effectively in documentation.
B.Tech. VI Semester
RAS601 Industrial Management CO1 Describe- Student will learn the basic concepts of I.M and productivity
CO2 Analyze - Student will be able to analyse the management functions to get the actual work in a company.
CO3 Explain- Student can explain sampling , inventory models and work study.
CO4. Discus-Student will be able to learn the quality of product.
CO5. Classify - Student learn to manage the project implementation.
RAS602 Industrial Sociology CO1 The student should be able to analyze basic significance of industrial sociology
CO2 The student should be able to analyze factors which maintains industrial peace
CO3 The student should be able to evaluate the significance of various schemes for labour
CO4. The student should be able to describe industrial policy resolution in development of industries
CO5. The student should be able to review the development of industrial sociology
RCS-601 Computer Networks CO1 Students will be able to identify and describe various network models and LAN standards.
CO2 Students will be able to explain and apply data link layer of OSI model.
CO3 Students will be able to analyze and design logical addressing and routing algorithms.
CO4. Students will be able to analyze and integrate connection management and presentation layer mechanism.
CO5. Students will be able to practice and analyze various application layer protocols.
RCS-602 Compiler Design CO1 Student will be able to understand the functionality of each phase involved in Compilation process..
CO2 Student will be able to apply the concept of the parsing techniques including Bottom-up and Top-down parsing for the given programming construct described in Context Free Grammar.
CO3 Student will be able to interpret and identify the different representations of intermediate code and able to analyze and understand the concepts of storage administration for different programming environments .
CO4. Student will be able to demonstrate and implement different error recovery routines to recover the errors seen at different phases of compilation.
CO5. Student will be able to analyze and generate the machine code by considering all the functionalities involved in different phases of the compilation process.
RCS-603 Computer Graphics CO1 Understand the graphics hardware used in field of computer graphics.
CO2 Understand the concept of graphics primitives such as lines and circle based on different algorithms.
CO3 Apply the 2D graphics transformations, composite transformation and Clipping concepts.
CO4. Apply the concepts of and techniques used in 3D computer graphics, including viewing transformations.
CO5. Perform the concept of projections, curve and hidden surfaces in real life.
RCS-062 Neural Network CO1 It will introduce the fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks learners will learn about the various learning models rules
CO2 Learners will understand the various data/input processing normalization aspects for training ANN
CO3 Learners will get the understanding of the mathematical aspects architecture of neural models along within the principles of learning algorithms.
CO4. Students will learn, design and implement the basic models feed forward backward networks
CO5. Students will be able to learn about the various applications of ANN.
RCS-651 Computer Networks Lab CO1 Student will be able to describe and practice to use various networking components and demonstrate different transmission media and design cables for establishing a network.
CO2 Student will be able to perform and diagnose the network configuration using logical addressing.
CO3 Student will able to develop and manage different types of networks using networks protocols on different layers of OSI or TCP/IP.
RCS-652 Compiler Design Lab CO1 Describe the functionality of lexical analysis phase involved in Compilation process and implementation of NFA from regular expression. Students must be able to perform the experiments by his own.
CO2 Implement the parsing techniques including Bottom-up and Top-down parsing for the given programming construct described in Context Free Grammar. Students must be able to understand the logic behind the experiment demonstrate the outcomes effectively.
CO3 Understand the different representations of intermediate code and generate the machine code by considering all the functionalities involved in different phases of the compilation process. Students must be able to present the experiment its results effectively in documentation.
RCS-653 Computer Graphics Lab CO1 Students must be able to perform the experiments by his own.
CO2 Students must be able to understand the logic behind the experiment demonstrate the outcomes effectively.
CO3 Students must be able to present the experiment its results effectively in documentation.
RCS-654 Data Warehousing Data Mining Lab CO1 Understanding the functionality of various data mining and warehousing components.
CO2 Explain the analyzing of various data mining and data warehousing.
CO3 Describe methodologies used in data mining and data warehousing.
B.Tech. VII Semester
ROE-074 Understanding the human being Comprehensively Human Aspiration audits fulfillment CO1 To help the students having the clarity about human aspirations, goal, activities and purpose of life
CO2 To facilitate the competence to understand the harmony in nature/existence and participation of human being in the nature/existence.
CO3 To help the students to develop the understanding of human tradition and its various components.
RCS-701 Distributed System CO1 Define the principles and architectural models of Distributed Systems in order to determine the global system state and identify the clock models used in distributed systems.
CO2 Identify the requirements of Mutual Exclusion and describe various deadlock detection strategies.
CO3 Illustrate the System models of Agreement Problems and application of these agreement protocols in real life problems like Atomic commit in DDBS.
CO4. Classify the failure recovery(forward/backward) in concurrent systems and formulating algorithms for achieving fault tolerance in distributed systems.
CO5. Compare various methods used for attaining concurrency Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
RCS-702 Artificial Intelligence CO1 Understanding the fundamental aspects of AI, Intelligent agents in AI
CO2 Study of various search strategies in AI and its area of applications
CO3 Study of methods for Knowledge Representation Reasoning in AI
CO4. Understanding the Machine learning concepts its fundamental algorithms.
CO5. Study of pattern recognition techniques its role in AI
RCS-751 Distributed System Lab CO1 Students must be able to perform the various experiments using C or Java language in assigned labs.
CO2 Students must be able to understand the logic behind different programs demonstrate the outcomes effecctively during viva.
CO3 Students must be able to explain the outcomes of experiments and effectively document them in lab files.
RCS-752 Artificial Intelligence lab CO1 Students must be able to perform the various experiments using Prolog language in assigned labs.
CO2 Students must be able to understand the logic behind different programs demonstrate the outcomes effectively during viva.
CO3 Students must be able to explain the outcomes of experiments and effectively document them in lab files.
RCS-753 Industrial Training CO1 Students must be able to demonstrate their learning effectively through presentation.
CO2 Students are expected to apply demonstrate their learning through a meaningful project.
CO3 Students must learn to demonstrate their learning work done through effective documentation in the form of project report
RCS-071 Application of Soft Computing CO1 Understand the concepts and architecture of Neural Networks.
CO2 Understand Back Propagation Neural Network Architectures and Algorithms
CO3 Apply the concepts of fuzzy sets theory operations and properties.
CO4. Understand and Apply Fuzzy Membership and fuzzy Rules in fuzzy controllers and its industrial applications.
CO5. Understand the basic concepts and apply working principles of Genetic Algorithm
RCS-077 Agile Software Development CO1 Student will be able to understand the fundamentals of Agile Software Development.
CO2 Student will be able to apply different Agile processes like Scrum, Extreme Programming.
CO3 Student will be able to analyze the agility and knowledge management concept.
CO4. Student will be able to understand agility and requirement engineering.
CO5. Student will be able to understand agility and quality assurance.
RCS-754 Project CO1 Students are able to work effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal.
CO2 Students are able to develop the ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of audience.
CO3 Students acquire the knowledge to undertake technical, research tasks and ethical response responsibilities to develop a software or hardware product.
CO4. Students apply the knowledge for developing a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture and its implementation ,develop the ability of self-learning and apply it in life- long learning.
B.Tech. VIII Semester
RCS082 Image Processing CO1 Student will be able to apply principles of image formation and analyze image enhancement in frequency domain.
CO2 Student will be able to identify apply filters in spatial domain for image enhancements.
CO3 Student will be able to interpret various noise models and propose appropriate restoration techniques.
CO4. Student will be able to analyze morphological image processing.
CO5. Student will be able to demonstrate various segmentation processes and devise novel approach for segmentation.
RCS087 Data Compression CO1 Students will be able to understand the basics of data compression and learn to solve the problems associated with different source coding techniques.
CO2 Students will be able to apply the compression techniques to compress the different raw data and summarize the concepts associated with text, image and audio compression.
CO3 Students will be able to learn different data compression principles and algorithms like LZ7778,LZW,BWT,CALIC,MTF etc.
CO4. Students will be able to evaluate the quantization problem and to classify different types of quantization.
CO5. Students will be able to identify and apply the operation of vector quantizer.
ROE081 Digital Social Media Marketing CO1 To help students understand digital marketing practices, inclination of digital consumers and role of content marketing
CO2 To provide understanding of the concept of E-commerce and developing marketing strategies in the virtual world.
CO3 To impart learning on various digital channels and how to acquire and engage consumers online.
CO4. To provide insights on building organizational competency by way of digital marketing practices and cost considerations
CO5. To develop understanding of the latest digital practices for marketing and promotion.
RCS851 Seminar CO1 Students must be able to demonstrate their learning effectively through presentation.
CO2 Students are expected to apply amp; demonstrate their learning through a meaningful project
CO3 Students must learn to demonstrate their learning amp; work done through effective documentation in the form of project report
RCS852 Project CO1 Proposed work must demonstrate originality, utility some novelness in their work.
CO2 Students must be able to understand, work apply the various phases of project development.
CO3 Students must be able to present their proposed work its results effectively through documentation.
CO4. Students are expected to demonstrate meaningful results and research orientation.
CO5. Students are also expected to improve their results through continuous process of evaluation presentations
Admission Enquiry