Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Engineering Institute)

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow)

Computer Science & Engineering (IOT) - CO's

Overview Vision & Mission PEO-PO-PSO HOD’s Message Faculty Achievements Student Achievements Student Clubs Labs Department Advisory Committee (DAC) Activities CO's

3rd Semester

Course Code Course Name CO Description
BCS -301 DATA STRUCTURE CO1 Describe how arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs are represented in memory, used by the algorithms and their common applications.
CO2 Discuss the computational efficiency of the sorting and searching algorithms.
CO3 Implementation of Trees and Graphs and perform various operations on these data structure.
CO4 Understanding the concept of recursion, application of recursion and its implementation and removal of recursion
CO5 Identify the alternative implementations of data structures with respect to its performance to solve a real world problem.
BCS 351 DATA STRUCTURE LAB CO1 To learn elementary data structures such as stacks, queues, linked lists, trees and graphs. Students must be able to perform operations like searching, insertion and deletion, traversing mechanism etc. on various data structures.
CO2 Students must be able to understand the logic behind the experiment demonstrate the outcomes effectively.
CO3 Students must be able to present the experiment its results effectively in documentation.
BCS -302 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE CO1 Study of the basic structure and operation of a digital computer system.
CO2 Analysis of the design of arithmetic & logic unit and understanding of the fixed point and floating-point arithmetic operations
CO3 Implementation of control unit techniques and the concept of Pipelining
CO4 Understanding the hierarchical memory system, cache memories and virtual memory
CO5 Understanding the different ways of communicating with I/O devices and standard I/O interfaces
BCS 352 Computer Organization Lab CO1 Analyze the behaviour of logic gates and illustrate HALF ADDER, FULL ADDER using basic logic gates and to learn various code conversions: Binary -to -Gray, Gray -to -Binary
CO2 Design combinational circuits for basic components of computer system and applications
CO3 Demonstrate excitation tables of various FLIP-FLOPS and design of an 8-bit Input/ Output system with four 8-bit Internal Registers.
CO4 Design of an 8-bit ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT.
CO5 Designing of I/O using Registers, ALU and Control Unit and demonstrating the usage of Register Transfer Language (RTL)
BCS -303 Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic CO1 Acquire Knowledge of sets and relations for solving the problems of POSET and lattices.
CO2 Apply fundamental concepts of functions and Boolean algebra for solving the problems of logical abilities
CO3 Employ the rules of propositions and predicate logic to solve the complex and logical problems.
CO4 Explore the concepts of group theory and their applications for solving the advance technological problems.
CO5 Illustrate the principles and concepts of graph theory for solving problems related to computer science.
BCC 302 PYTHON PROGRAMMING CO1 Interpret the fundamental Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python control flow statements.
CO2 Express proficiency in the handling of strings and functions
CO3 Determine the methods to create and manipulate Python programs by utilizing the data structures like lists, dictionaries, tuples and sets.
CO4 Identify the commonly used operations involving file systems and regular expressions.
CO5 Articulate the Object-Oriented Programming concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism as used in Python
KAS302 Maths IV CO1 The students will be able to learn the idea of partial differentiation and types of partial differential equations
CO2 The students will be able to learn the idea of classification of second partial differential equations, wave, heat equation and transmission lines
CO3 The students will be able to learn the basic ideas of statistics including measures of central tendency, correlation, regression and their properties.
CO4 The students will be able to learn the idea s of probability and random variables and various discrete and continuous probability distributions and their properties.
CO5 The students will be able to learn the statistical methods of studying data samples, hypothesis testing and statistical quality control, control charts and their properties.
BVE 301 Universal Human Value and Professional Ethics CO1 Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom, distinguish between values and skills, understand the need, basic guidelines, content and process of value education, explore the meaning of happiness and prosperity and do a correct appraisal of the current scenario in the society mitigate such threats
CO2 Distinguish between the Self and the Body, understand the meaning of Harmony in the Self the Co-existence of Self and Body
CO3 Understand the value of harmonious relationship based on trust, respect and other naturally acceptable feelings in human- human relationships and explore their role in ensuring a harmonious society
CO4 Understand the harmony in nature and existence, and work out their mutually fulfilling participation in the nature
CO5 Distinguish between ethical and unethical practices, and start working out the strategy to actualize a harmonious environment wherever they work.
BCS 353 Web Designing Workshop CO1 Describe the concept of HTML and design static Web pages
CO2 Explain the concepts of CSS and design Web pages
CO3 Identify the concept of HTML. CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites.
CO4 Gain knowledge on client side scripting (Java Script) and develop a web page.
CO5 Develop and implement website using HTML, CSS, Java Script.
BCC 351 MINI PROJECT/INTERNSHIP ASSESSMENT CO2 Students must be able to demonstrate their learning effectively through presentation.
CO3 Students are expected to apply demonstrate their learning through a meaningful project.
CO4 Students must learn to demonstrate their learning work done through effective documentation in the form of project report.

4th Semester

Course Code Course Name CO Description
BCS 401 Operating System CO1 Analyze Process Synchronization and the solution of various critical section problem using software and hardware approaches.
CO2 Analyze Process Synchronization and the solution of various critical section problem using software and hardware approaches.
CO3 Explain the mechanism to handle threads, process scheduling and deadlock.
CO4 Discuss the concept of memory management along with page replacement and thrashing.
CO5 Classify various file system concepts and disk Scheduling.
BCS 451 Operating Systems Lab CO1 To understand the different operating system available.
CO2 To perform CPU scheduling algorithm.
CO3 To understand and perform banker's algorithm.
CO4 To calculate the external and internal fragmentation.
CO5 To understand and perform different file storage allocation technique.
BAS 401 Technical Communication CO1 Students will be enabled to understand the nature and objective of Technical Communication relevant for the work place as Engineers.
CO2 Students will utilize the technical writing for the purposes of Technical Communication and its exposure in various dimensions.
CO3 Students would imbibe inputs by presentation skills to enhance confidence in face of diverse audience.
CO4 Technical communication skills will create a vast know-how of the application of the learning to promote their technical competence.
CO5 It would enable them to evaluate their efficacy as fluent efficient communicators by learning the voice-dynamics.
KCS 402 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages CO1 Analyse and design finite automata, pushdown automata, Turing machines, formal languages and grammars.
CO2 Analyse and design, Turing machines, formal languages, and grammars.
CO3 Demonstrate the understanding of key notions, such as algorithm, computability, decidability, and complexity through problem solving.
CO4 Prove the basic results of the Theory of Computation.
CO5 State and explain the relevance of the Church-Turing thesis.
BCC 401 Cyber Security CO1 Understand the basic concepts of cyber security and cybercrimes.
CO2 Understand the security policies and cyber laws.
CO3 Understand the tools and methods used in cyber crime.
CO4 Understand the concepts of cyber forensics.
CO5 Understand the cyber security policies and cyber laws.
BCS 453 Cyber Security Workshop Lab CO1 Analysis of Packet using Wire Shark.
CO2 Analyse network traffic and detect suspicious activity.
CO3 Analyse captured traffic to do malware traffic analysis.
CO4 Capture and Analyse the packets for password sniffing.
BOE 410 Digital Electronics CO1 Apply concepts of Digital Binary System and implementation of Gates.
CO2 Analyze and design of Combinational logic circuits.
CO3 Analyze and design of Sequential logic circuits with their applications.
CO4 Implement the Design procedure of Synchronous & Asynchronous Sequential Circuits.
CO5 Apply the concept of Digital Logic Families with circuit implementation.
BCS 403 Object Oriented Programming with Java CO1 Develop the object-oriented programming concepts using Java.
CO2 Implement exception handling, file handling, and multi-threading in Java.
CO3 Apply new java features to build java programs.
CO4 Analyse java programs with Collection Framework.
CO5 Test web and RESTful Web Services with Spring Boot using Spring Framework concepts.
BCS 452 Object Oriented Programming with Java Lab CO1 Understand the basics of object-oriented programming using JAVA.
CO2 Apply the concept of classes, Java, JDK Components and develop Simple Java Programs.
CO3 Develop Simple Java Programs using inheritance and Exception handling.
CO4 Develop Multi-threading Programming and Interfaces.
CO5 Develop GUI applications using Applet classes, Swing components and Event handling programs.

5th Semester

Course Code Course Name CO Description
KCS 501 Database Management System CO1 Apply knowledge of database for real life applications.
CO2 Apply query processing techniques to automate the real time problems of databases.
CO3 Identify and solve the redundancy problem in database tables using normalization.
CO4 Understand the concepts of transactions, their processing so they will familiar with broad range of database management issues including data integrity, security and recovery.
CO5 Design, develop and implement a small database project using database tools.
KCS 551 Database Management System Lab CO1 Understand and apply oracle 11g products for creating tables, views, indexes, sequences and other database objects.
CO2 Design and implement a database schema for company database, banking database, library information system, payroll processing system, student information system.
CO3 Write and execute simple and complex queries using DDL, DML, DCL and TCL.
CO4 Write and execute PL/SQL blocks, procedure functions, packages and triggers, cursors.
CO5 Enforce entity integrity, referential integrity, key constraints, and domain constraints on database.
KCS 503 Design and Analysis of Algorithm CO1 Design new algorithms, prove them correct, and analyze their asymptotic and absolute runtime and memory demands.
CO2 Find an algorithm to solve the problem (create) and prove that the algorithm solves the problem correctly (validate).
CO3 Understand the mathematical criterion for deciding whether an algorithm is efficient, and know many practically important problems that do not admit any efficient algorithms.
CO4 Apply classical sorting, searching, optimization and graph algorithms.
CO5 Understand basic techniques for designing algorithms, including the techniques of recursion, divide-and-conquer, and greedy.
KCS 553 Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab CO1 Implement algorithm to solve problems by iterative approach.
CO2 Implement algorithm to solve problems by divide and conquer approach.
CO3 Implement algorithm to solve problems by Greedy algorithm approach.
CO4 Implement algorithm to solve problems by Dynamic programming, backtracking, branch and bound approach.
CO5 Implement algorithm to solve problems by branch and bound approach.
KOT 501 Introduction to Internet of Things CO1 Demonstrate basic concepts, principles and challenges in IoT.
CO2 Illustrate functioning of hardware devices and sensors used for IoT.
CO3 Analyze network communication aspects and protocols used in IoT.
CO4 Apply IoT for developing real life applications using Arduino programming.
CO5 To develop IoT infrastructure for popular applications.
KCS 052 Web Designing CO1 Understand principle of Web page design and about types of websites.
CO2 Visualize and Recognize the basic concept of HTML and application in web designing.
CO3 Recognize and apply the elements of Creating Style Sheet (CSS).
CO4 Understand the basic concept of JavaScript and its application.
CO5 Introduce basics concept of Web Hosting and apply the concept of SEO.
KOT 054 Privacy and Security in IoT CO1 Ability to understand the Security requirements in IoT.
CO2 Understand the cryptographic fundamentals for IoT.
CO3 Ability to understand the authentication credentials and access control.
CO4 Understand the various types Trust models and Cloud Security.
KNC 501 Constitution of India, Law & Engineering CO1 Identify and explore the basic features and modalities about Indian constitution.
CO2 Differentiate and relate the functioning of Indian parliamentary system at the center and state level.
CO3 Differentiate and relate the functioning of Indian parliamentary system at the center and state level.
CO4 Differentiate and relate the functioning of Indian parliamentary system at the center and state level.
CO5 Interpret and evaluate the role of engineers with different organizations and governance models.
KCS 554 Mini Project CO1 Identify a problem and gather its requirements.
CO2 Design a solution of the problem using latest tools & techniques.
CO3 Develop a project using latest technology.
CO4 Develop professional skills and critical thinking to prepare for major project.
CO5 Demonstrate an ability to present project works to the evaluators.

6th Semester

Course Code Course Name CO Description
KCS 603 Computer Networks CO1 Explain basic concepts, OSI reference model, services and role of each layer of OSI model and TCP/IP, networks devices and transmission media, Analog and digital data transmission.
CO2 Apply channel allocation, framing, error and flow control techniques.
CO3 Describe the functions of Network Layer i.e. Logical addressing, subnetting & Routing Mechanism.
CO4 Explain the different Transport Layer function i.e. Port addressing, Connection Management, Error control and Flow control mechanism.
CO5 Explain the functions offered by session and presentation layer and their Implementation.
CO6 Explain the different protocols used at application layer i.e. HTTP, SNMP, SMTP, FTP, TELNET and VPN.
KCS 663 Computer Networks Lab CO1 Simulate different network topologies.
CO2 Implement various framing methods of Data Link Layer.
CO3 Implement various Error and flow control techniques.
CO4 Implement network routing and addressing techniques.
CO5 Implement transport and security mechanisms.
KOE-068 Software Project Management CO1 Identify project planning objectives, along with various cost/effort estimation models.
CO2 Organize & schedule project activities to compute critical path for risk analysis.
CO3 Monitor and control project activities.
CO4 Formulate testing objectives and test plan to ensure good software quality under SEI-CMM.
CO5 Configure changes and manage risks using project management tools.
KDS 063 Software Engineering CO1 Explain various software characteristics and analyze different software Development Models.
CO2 Demonstrate the contents of a SRS and apply basic software quality assurance practices to ensure that design, development meet or exceed applicable standards.
CO3 Compare and contrast various methods for software design.
CO4 Formulate testing strategy for software systems, employ techniques such as unit testing, Test driven development and functional testing.
CO5 Manage software development process independently as well as in teams and make use of Various software management tools for development, maintenance and analysis.
KCS 602 Web Technology CO1 Explain web development Strategies and Protocols governing Web.
CO2 Develop Java programs for window/web-based applications.
CO3 Design web pages using HTML, XML, CSS and JavaScript.
CO4 Creation of client-server environment using socket programming.
CO5 Building enterprise level applications and manipulate web databases using JDBC.
CO6 Design interactive web applications using Servlets and JSP.
KCS 652 Web Technology Lab CO1 Develop static web pages using HTML.
CO2 Develop Java programs for window/web-based applications.
CO3 Design dynamic web pages using JavaScript and XML.
CO4 Design dynamic web page using server side programming Ex. ASP/JSP/PHP.
CO5 Design server side applications using JDBC, ODBC and section tracking API.
KOT 601 IoT Architecture and Protocols CO1 Understand the Architectural Overview of IoT.
CO2 Understand the IoT Reference Architecture and Real-World Design Constraints.
CO3 Understand the various IoT Protocols (Datalink, Network, Transport, Session, Service).
CO4 Application of various IoT Protocols (Datalink, Network, Transport, Session, Service).
CO5 Understand the various Real-World Design Constraints.

7th Semester

Course Code Course Name CO Description
KHU 702 Project Management & Entrepreneurship CO1 Understand the theories of entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Development Programmes.
CO2 Create innovative business ideas and market opportunities.
CO3 Understand the importance of Project Management and Project’s life cycle.
CO4 Analyze Project Finance and project report.
CO5 Evaluate Social Sector Perspectives and Social Entrepreneurship.
KCS 753 Project CO1 Students are able to work effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal.
CO2 Students are able to develop the ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of audience.
CO3 Students acquire the knowledge to undertake technical, research tasks and ethical responsibilities to develop a software or hardware product.
CO4 Students apply the knowledge for developing a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture and its implementation, develop the ability of self-learning and apply it in life-long learning.
KOT 071 IoT Security CO1 Identify the Components that form part of IoT Architecture.
CO2 Determine the most appropriate IoT Devices and Sensors based on Case Studies.
CO3 Setup the connections between the Devices and Sensors.
CO4 Evaluate the appropriate protocol for communication between IoT devices.
CO5 Analyze the communication protocols for IoT.
KCS 713 Cloud Computing CO1 Describe architecture and underlying principles of cloud computing.
CO2 Explain need, types and tools of Virtualization for cloud.
CO3 Describe Services Oriented Architecture and various types of cloud services.
CO4 Explain Inter cloud resources management, cloud storage services and their providers. Assess security services and standards for cloud computing.
CO5 Analyze advanced cloud technologies.
KOT 712 Mobile Application Development for IoT CO1 Demonstrate basic concepts, principles and challenges in IoT.
CO2 Understand significance of IoT programming fundamentals.
CO3 Understand and analyze IoT programming applications.
CO4 Develop IoT applications using standardized hardware.
CO5 Discuss concepts of IoT Advance Wireless Interfaces and IoT Production System.
KOE 074 Renewable Energy Resources CO1 To understand basic of Primary and Secondary energy Resources.
CO2 Understanding domain of development of system of Non-Conventional Sources of Energy.
CO3 Analyzing existing sources of energy comprehensively.
CO4 Analyze the need and verify the requirements of customer and environments.
CO5 Analyze and Demonstrate various resources of energy at global level.
KCS 752 Mini Project or Internship Assessment CO1 Developing a technical artifact requiring new technical skills and effectively utilizing a new software tool to complete a task.
CO2 Writing requirements documentation, selecting appropriate technologies, identifying and creating appropriate test cases for systems.
CO3 Demonstrating understanding of professional customs & practices and working with professional standards.
CO4 Improving problem-solving, critical thinking skills and report writing.
CO5 Learning professional skills like exercising leadership, behaving professionally, behaving ethically, listening effectively, participating as a member of a team, developing appropriate workplace attitudes.

8th Semester

Course Code Course Name CO Description
KHU 801 Rural Development: Administration and Planning CO1 Students can understand the definitions, concepts and components of Rural Development.
CO2 Students will know the importance, structure, significance, resources of Indian rural economy.
CO3 Students will have a clear idea about the area development programmes and their impact.
CO4 Students will be able to acquire knowledge about rural entrepreneurship.
CO5 Students will be able to understand different methods for human resource planning.
KOE 085 Quality Management CO1 Explain the different meanings of the quality concept and its influence.
CO2 Describe, distinguish, and use the several techniques and quality management tools.
CO3 Explain and distinguish the normalization, homologation, and certification activities.
CO4 Identify the elements that are part of the quality measuring process in the industry.
CO5 Predict the errors in the measuring process, distinguishing their nature and root causes.
KOE 094 Digital Social Media Marketing CO1 To help students understand digital marketing practices, inclination of digital consumers, and the role of content marketing.
CO2 To provide understanding of the concept of E-commerce and developing marketing strategies in the virtual world.
CO3 To impart learning on various digital channels and how to acquire and engage consumers online.
CO4 To provide insights on building organizational competency through digital marketing practices and cost considerations.
CO5 To develop an understanding of the latest digital practices for marketing and promotion.
KCS 851 Project CO1 Proposed work must demonstrate originality, utility, and some novelty in their work.
CO2 Students must be able to understand, work, and apply the various phases of project development.
CO3 Students must be able to present their proposed work and its results effectively through documentation.
CO4 Students are expected to demonstrate meaningful results and research orientation.
CO5 Students are also expected to improve their results through continuous process of evaluation and presentations.
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