Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Engineering Institute)

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow)

Master of Computer Applications - Faculty Achievements

Overview Vision & Mission PEO-PO-PSO HOD's Message Faculty Achievements Student Achievements Student Clubs Labs Department Advisory Committee (DAC) Activities

Prof. (Dr.) Neeraj Kumar Sharma

Research Publications/Book Chapters :

  • Navigating the Future Trends and Applications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (080324-063338): Book: Harnessing Artificial Emotional Intelligence for Improved Human-Computer Interactions (IGI Global) (Scopus Indexed).
  • How software size influences productivity and project duration: International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2019, ISSN: 2088-8708. PP 2006-2017, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v9i3. (Scopus Indexed).
  • Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning/Neural Network for Software Cost Reduction: 9th International Conference on Cloud System and Big Data Engineering (2019) (Confluence 2019).
  • Impact of Development Methodology on Cost & Risk for Development Projects: 6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization: Trends and Future Directions, ICRITO 2017 | IEEE. Publication Year: 2017, Page(s): 267 – 272, DOI: 10.1109/ICRITO41188.2017 20-22 Sept. 2017.
  • Artificial Intelligence / Support Vector Machine (SVM) for Software Cost Reduction: International Conference on Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences (IC4S- 2018).
  • Testing Sufficiency Test (TST) – Evolving a New Model for Estimating Software Test Cases: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. [Scopus Indexed – Online Available] (2017) ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 21 (2017) pp. 10861-10866.
  • Software Testing Techniques: A Survey: VSRD International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, Vol. IV Issue VII July 2014, e-ISSN: 2231-2471, p-ISSN: 2319-2224.
  • An Appliance Approach: RTST to Reduce Cost & Time: International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, Vol 2 Issue 5, ISSN 2229-6093.
  • A Realistic Approach: RTST to Reduce Cost & Time: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering, Vol 3 Issue 6, 2011, e-ISSN: 0975-3397.
  • A Road Map to Testing Techniques – Historical Perspective: ‘GLOBUS: An International Journal of Management & IT, Vol 2 No 1 at Jun – Dec 2010’. P-ISSN: 0975-721X (UGC Approved).
  • DBMS Advanced Features and Distributed Database – Advanced Database Management Systems MCS – 043 for IGNOU: ISBN: 978-93-81638-09-5.
  • Computer System Design: Thakur Publishers Lucknow (As per Mahamaya Technical University, Noida curriculum) ISBN: 978-93-82249-50-4.
  • Freelance writer for Kogent Solutions Inc., New Delhi: Written books for Sikkim Manipal University on Total Quality Management.
  • Computer Network: Thakur Publishers Lucknow for BCA (U.P Unified Syllabus). ISBN: 978-93-83130-41.
  • Operating System: Thakur Publishers Lucknow for MCA (UPTU Lucknow Syllabus). ISBN: 978-93-51632-65-8.
  • Introduction to Computer Applications: Thakur Publishers Lucknow for B.Com (For all UP State Universities as per NEP 2020). ISBN: 978-93-5480-046-7.
  • Introduction to Computer Applications (Bilingual): Thakur Publishers Lucknow for B.Com (For all UP State Universities as per NEP 2020). ISBN: 978-93-5480-123-5.


S.No. Patent Application Number Title
1 202311046006 Love wave Propagation in stressed fluid saturated layer with irregularity over non homogeneous medium
2 202311017950 Waves at spring contact of two fiber-reinforced thermos elastic mediums
3 202211072289 Spring-like interface model to study strike-slip dislocation in two coupled orthotropic elastic half-spaces.
4 202241055255 Integrating IoT, A3C learning, residual recurrent neural networks, and dynamic scheduling for stochastic edge-cloud computing environments.
5 202241058431 Industry 4.0 tools can be used as a model for digital human resource management, which will help operations run better.
6 202241066832 The integration of block chain technology and AI in the creation of effective educational frameworks
7 202241052057 UAV-borne mobile multimedia computing with integrated cyber-physical surveillance toward a taxonomy of intelligent data processing for IoMT-enabled radar sensor networks.
8 202241050932 Edge AI-Aided IoT, Trustworthy Target Tracking With Collaborative Deep Reinforcement Learning.
9 407620-001 IOT based Solar Power Agriculture Robot (Application Under Process(waiting for Technical Examination))
10 406468-001 IOT Enabled Audio Player Integrated Printer (Application Accepted, Certificate of Design not Generated)

Mr. Harendra Singh (Dy-HOD)

Research Publications/Book Chapters

  • Published Paper Titled “Knowledge Through Data Mining” in KAAW Journal Year 2018
  • Published a Review Paper Titled “A review on recent advancement in IOT based health monitoring system” in NeuroQuantology Journal in Year 2022.
  • Published Book Chapter “Industry 4.0 and People Analytics- A Technical Perspective of HRM” - Chapter 6- “Enhancing Worker Wellness through Body Area Network” Publisher – AAP (Apple Academic Press), Co-Publisher – CRC Press, September 2022.

Conference Attending/Conference Publications

  • Published Scopus Paper in International Conference (ICACITE) & IEEE Explorer Titled “Analyzing PIMA Indian Diabetes Dataset through Data Mining Tool ‘Rapid Miner’” Year 2021 in Galgotias College of Engineering.


  • Published Patent on “ IoT- based Remote Intelligent Healthcare system for the detection and prevention of patents using AI” in Government of India on 30/ 09/ 2022.

Dr. Abdul Alim

Research Publications/Book Chapters

  • Alim, Abdul and Diwakar, Shukla, “Digital File Size Computational Procedure in Multimedia Big Data Using Sampling Methodology”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 82, pp. 32203-32257, 2023. (SCIE IF-2.577 & Scopus Index)
  • Alim, Abdul and Diwakar, Shukla, “Social Media based Digital File Size Estimation Method Using Sampling Technique with α Control Chat in Big Data”, International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 2023, pp. 1-22, 10.22075/IJNAA.2023.27424.3802 (Scopus Index 2022)
  • Alim, Abdul and Diwakar, Shukla, “Sampling based Estimation Method for Parameter Estimation in Big Data Business Era”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, Vol. 18, Issue 2, 2020, pp. 297-322. (ESCI & Scopus Index) Cite Score 5.8
  • Alim, Abdul and Diwakar, Shukla, “Double Sampling Based Parameter Estimation in Big Data and Application in Control Charts, Journal of Reliability Theory and Applications, Vol. 16, Issue 2, 2021, pp. 72-144. (Scopus Index)
  • Alim, Abdul and Diwakar, Shukla, “A Comparative Study on Parameter Estimation Methods for Big Data Analysis based on Random Sample”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Vol. 9, Issue 02, 2020, pp. 3480-3486. (Scopus Index)
  • Alim, Abdul and Diwakar, Shukla, “A solution Approach to Big Data Regarding Parameter Estimation Problems in Predictive Analytics Model”, Research Journal of Computer and Information Technology Sciences, Vol. 8, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 1-8.
  • Alim, Abdul and Diwakar, Shukla, “A Prediction Model for Improving Accuracy of Students Performance using Big IoT Data Analytics”, Rabindranath Tagore University Journal, Vol. 8, Special Issue 16, 2019, pp. 1760-1765.
  • Alim, Abdul and Diwakar, Shukla, “Big Data: Myth, Reality and Parametric Relationship”, International Journal of Advances in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2018, pp. 1235-1244.
  • Diwakar, Shukla and Alim, Abdul, “Big Data Analytics Approach using Indexing and Ranking for Excellence in Higher Education”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 180, Issue 35, 2018, pp. 8-22.
  • Diwakar, Shukla and Alim, Abdul, “A Review on Big Data: Views, Categories and Aspects”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 180, Issue 18, 2018, pp. 34-42. (ISSN 2278-4187).

Conference Attending/Conference Publications

  • A. Alim and D. Shukla (2020), "A Parameter Estimation Model of Big Data Setup Based on Sampling Technique", 2nd International Conference on Data, Engineering and Applications (IDEA), Bhopal, India, 2020, pp. 1-5, Publisher IEEE, doi: 10.1109/IDEA49133.2020.9170664. (Scopus Index)
  • Alim A. and Shukla D. (2020), “A Study on Sampling-Based Parameter Estimation Techniques in Big Data Analytics Environment”, In: Pandit M., Srivastava L., Venkata Rao R., Bansal J. (eds) Intelligent Computing Applications for Sustainable Real-World Systems. ICSISCET 2019, Proceedings in Adaptation, Learning and Optimization, Vol. 13, Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-44758-8_21.
  • Alim A. and Shukla D. (2020), “A Big Data Parameter Estimation Approach to Develop Big Social Data Analytics Framework for Sentiment Analysis”, In: Shukla R., Agrawal J., Sharma S., Chaudhari N., Shukla L.. (eds) Social Networking and Computational Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 100, Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-2071-6_63. (Scopus Index)
  • Alim, Abdul and Shukla, Diwakar, “Application of Parameter Estimation: A Big Data Analytics Perspective” (March 11, 2019). Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Software Engineering (ICACSE) 2019, Available at: SSRN:
  • Alim, Abdul and Shukla, Diwakar, “An Application Approach of Stratified Sampling in Analytic- Predictive Environments of Big Data” (March 20, 2019). Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM), Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur - India, February 26-28, 2019, Available at SSRN:
  • Alim, Abdul and Shukla, Diwakar (2018), “The Use of Big Data in Higher Education Sector”, Computer Application in Education and Research for Science and Technology, Published by International Research Publication House, Delhi India, ISBN: 978-93-87388-21-5.
  • Alim, Abdul and Shukla, Diwakar (2018), “Role of Big Data Management in Higher Education System ”, Proceedings of National Conference on Role of Academic Libraries for Excellence in Research, Today and Tomorrow’s Printers and Publication, New Delhi ISBN: 81-7019-594-9.
  • Alim, Abdul, “Modified Critical Path and Top Level Attributes (MCPTL)-Based Task Scheduling Algorithm in Parallel Computing”, Soft Computing: Theories and Applications, 2016.
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